Jazzy’s Story

Jen and Cheryl, Five months in and I can’t imagine my life or our home without her. First, thank you both for all that you do to insure that vulnerable creatures are loved and cared for and find their forever homes and loving families. As you know, I followed Jazzy’s story through your Facebook posts […]
Thanks For Your Help + We Are Now Hiring!

Thank You for Helping Us! March 2, 2021 Thank you so much to everyone who donated to our ioby campaign fundraiser. You helped us reach our goal to fund the new animal shelter facility! The facility will be opening this summer, and we are so thrilled about it. From the bottom of our hearts, thank […]
Kitkat and Snowflake

Diana Riddle loves her adopted kittens so much, rescued them, and they rescued a piece of my heart that was empty.
Little Carmichael

Little Carmichael, affectionately called “Mikey”, is the latest addition to Dana and Nipper’s family of four-legged adoptees. Carmichael is named after Dottie Carmichael Weaver, CCAW’s founder. James and Nan Anderson found him as a tiny abandoned kitten in the road near their home in Bicknell. They bottle-fed him and cared for him until he was […]
Luna, Chance, and Kaylee

Luna, Chance, and Kaylee were strays in the Torrey Area. In each case flyers were posted, we asked neighbors and friends if they recognized any of these cats and no one did. Our children call us the Torrey cat nappers because for three years in a row, we had an opportunity to add to our […]
Millie a Rescue Story

Millie the dog was found starving and in need of medical care on a rural country road. CCAW members gave her a forever home, and she has plumped up quite nicely. Bonkers the cat was rescued from a car accident as a tiny kitten. He defies his name and is a very mellow cat. Millie […]
Tripod and Moses

Tripod This cat appeared in the back yard one day with a hind leg that was nothing but a bloody stump with bones sticking out. Several years later, he is healthy and happy, and has found the perfect prop for that stump in a flower pot. He lives with Jen Howe, a CCAW board member. […]
Here’s Where We’ve Used Your Donations

Who ever said, “Life is a journey,” really had it right. Ruff and I met you in November from this very spot. We appealed to your generous spirit to help us help others…those dogs and cats who are lost, abandoned, living hard…in situations much different than ours. You came through for us and for them. […]
Big Thanks From Grateful Animals

[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://ioby.org/project/give-me-shelter” padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”] From inside CCAW’s partially completed shelter, the view is inspiring! We imagine a fast-approaching day when dogs frisk about the outdoor play areas and cats lounge on the window ledges. Equally inspiring is the never-ceasing generosity of donors like you. Last week, […]
Homeless Pets Are Counting On You

[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://ioby.org/project/give-me-shelter” padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”] Hello Friends, My friends call me Xan. I am really good friends with Ruff and Reddy. They asked me to pass along some important information about CCAW’s fund-raising efforts. I’m a pretty chatty catty, but today I’ll be purr-cise and just list […]