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Donate to CCAW
Color Country Animal Welfare is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Your tax deductible donations will be gratefully received.
If you prefer to mail a check or send one through your bank’s Bill Pay, please make it out to:
PO Box 750404
Torrey, UT 84775
Our Give Wayne County Campaign will run from March 29th thru April 7th
Thanks to the generous sponsors listed below, we have $12,300 in matching challenges and have raised $12,300 and met the challenge!
Thank you to all who made this possible!
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors during this campaign:
$3,000 The Old House at Center and Main
$2,000 Doug & Tana Hunter
$1,400 Anonymous
$1,000 Skyview Hotel
$500 Dog’s Meow
$500 Hafdis Maw
$500 Red Rock Brewery
$400 Cache Valley Bank
$300 Adie Mitchell Scentsy Superstar Director
$300 Alpine Art & Frame
$300 Chak Balam Mexican Restaurant
$300 Chuck Wagon General Store
$300 Garkane Energy
$300 Loa Builders Supply
$300 Royals Market
$300 Scott T. Smith Photographer
$300 The Coy Pond
$300 Torrey Grill & BBQ
Funding Received to date: $12,300
Thank you to all who made this possible!