Donate to CCAW

Color Country Animal Welfare is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Your tax deductible donations will be gratefully received.

If you prefer to mail a check or send one through your bank’s Bill Pay, please make it out to:
PO Box 750404
Torrey, UT 84775
Give Wayne County Logo

Our Give Wayne County Campaign will run from March 29th thru April 7th

Thanks to the generous sponsors listed below, we have $12,300 in matching challenges and have raised $12,300 and met the challenge!

Thank you to all who made this possible!

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors during this campaign:

$3,000 The Old House at Center and Main
$2,000 Doug & Tana Hunter
$1,400 Anonymous 
$1,000 Skyview Hotel
$500 Dog’s Meow
$500 Hafdis Maw
$500 Red Rock Brewery
$400 Cache Valley Bank
$300 Adie Mitchell Scentsy Superstar Director
$300 Alpine Art & Frame
$300   Chak Balam Mexican Restaurant
$300   Chuck Wagon General Store
$300 Garkane Energy
$300 Loa Builders Supply
$300 Royals Market
$300 Scott T. Smith Photographer
$300 The Coy Pond
$300   Torrey Grill & BBQ
Funding Received to date: $12,300
Thank you to all who made this possible!