Who ever said, “Life is a journey,” really had it right. Ruff and I met you in November from this very spot. We appealed to your generous spirit to help us help others…those dogs and cats who are lost, abandoned, living hard…in situations much different than ours.
You came through for us and for them. Like Reddy has reminded me for the last sixty-two days: “People care about us! They’ll help us build the shelter others so desperately need.”
And you did!!!
We started here, needing over $40,000.
There is where we were just last week… with a $1,000 challenge grant to make it possible for us to reach our goals – cushy beds, insulated doors, and durable food and water bowls.
In this last week of our IOBY on-line funding campaign, we have received yet another $1,000 matching grant. Yes! We made the last one! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
This is where we’re headed.
We’re almost there…hoping for a summer 2021 opening. Your donations during this last week of our on-line campaign really are the cat’s meow!
Your friends in fur, Ruff and Reddy
-Color Country Animal Welfare
P.S. Please consider making a gift today—it will help us continue with the wonderful shelter building!
[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=U3N7T2DGCPWV8″ padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”]
Mail a Check to
PO Box 750404
Torrey, UT 84775-0404
Follow Us!
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If you shop on Amazon, using their Amazon Smile program helps out the animals of Color Country!
Chewy.com is a great place to purchase supplies for your pet. For every new customer purchase, Chewy will donate $20 to CCAW! Sign up here to get started.