[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://ioby.org/project/give-me-shelter” padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”]
Summer News Letter 2019
We hope the summer has treated you all well! CCAW still has some wonderful events coming in September, so please scroll down to see the Save the Date info. We’re also sharing some adorable photos of local kids and their pets from our annual Pet Show that happened during the Wayne County Fair. The challenge grant for feline spay & neuter vouchers is linked below as well; thank you so much to those who have already donated to it, and we’d love to see more so we can meet the challenge and keep helping local cats get spayed and neutered. Thank you to everyone for your continued support of CCAW. It means the world to the animals.
On August 14, Color Country Animal Welfare hosted the pet show at the fairgrounds in Loa during the 2019 Wayne County Fair. This popular annual event featured some of the county’s most adorable kittens, puppies, dogs, and cats.
Each owner or handler was asked to say a couple things about their beloved pet. We learned that Tug the 10-year-old dog can “pray” on command, and kittens Poncho and Lefty were born without tails. Milo the kitten was rescued after being abandoned, and wiener dogs Olive and Roxy strutted their stuff alongside the enormous Great Pyrenees puppy Bruce. We also met kittens Tiny and Nala, and dogs Freckles, Bo, Lincoln, and Razor. The animals all got along and were on their best behavior. They sometimes were a bit distracted, but no one could blame them for that during such a bustling, fun activity. Thanks so much to everyone who attended the event and shared their delightful animal companions with us all!
Color Country is a 100% volunteer organization dedicated to reducing the number of homeless cats and dogs in Wayne County and advocating for the welfare of all animals. You can contact us at 435-491-2050, on Facebook or at ColorCountryAnimalWelfare.org.
International Cat Day was August 8th. We and our generous challenge grant
donor can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than to help get
the cats of our area spayed and neutered.<br
Won’t you please help us match the $2500 of this challenge grant,
which will go to providing spay & neuter vouchers for cats at
Fremont River Veterinary Clinic here in Wayne County? The many
cats in our rural area will benefit from these vouchers. Your donations help the animals!
Just click here or on the photos above or below to be taken to our website and the donation page.</br
Save The Date September 27
for a Pet Training Workshop!
Emily Strong presents an extremely informative and highly effective pet training workshop. We highly recommend her and her training methods.
Register by clicking here.

[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=U3N7T2DGCPWV8″ padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”]
Mail a Check to
PO Box 750404
Torrey, UT 84775-0404
Follow Us!
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If you shop on Amazon, using their Amazon Smile program helps out the animals of Color Country!
Chewy.com is a great place to purchase supplies for your pet. For every new customer purchase, Chewy will donate $20 to CCAW! Sign up here to get started.