Give Me Shelter Party is on September 18. Come see our new facility!
Our lovely event will be happening on that Saturday from 4 – 7pm. It will be right next to the CCAW Animal Shelter building, which will be wonderful for you to see. The event will include a silent auction, food and drinks, entertainment, and it is dog-friendly for leashed, well-behaved dogs. We will share more information for you when the time comes sooner. We hope you will come over to see our new facility and enjoy the place and the event a lot!

Animal Care Facility Manager – Mel
Mel has been “re-homed” in Teasdale, UT, now going on five years and prior, spent five years of long vacations touring and getting to know this magical place from its most grand landscapes to its simplest, fascinating details. Growing up in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay, he focused his studies on Native American archaeology, art, and natural history. Though he spent his life on the water and his recreation involved boats more than anything else, he found his heart in the high desert and mountains of our region. Always an animal lover, and active adopter and advocate, he has found his calling volunteering with CCAW. His broad and diverse management experience has found a place where it can benefit so many animals’ lives and bring the happiness of a life-partner companion animal to their humans.

Bobbie’s Story or A Christmas Miracle
Here is the story of how a small, severely injured kitten was saved by the collaborative efforts of a Good Samaritan who found her, Dr. Jake at the Fremont River Vet Clinic, a clinic volunteer, and Color Country Animal Welfare (CCAW) volunteers.
Just before Christmas of last year, a stray kitten was found severely injured and was taken to the Fremont River Vet Clinic. Dr. Jake was not certain whether she would survive surgery, but CCAW was contacted and agreed to cover expenses for her care, which included amputation of a hind leg. She was at the clinic for approximately one week, fighting an infection and having another surgery on her tail. This poor kitten was having a rough time, but CCAW and Dr. Jake gave her the best chance of survival. Her future mom, a clinic volunteer, gave her extra care when she refused to eat. She was able to entice the kitten to eat by offering some tuna and a little milk. It worked!

One day, a CCAW volunteer was at the clinic and inquired about Bobbie. Dr. Jake had just completed the tail surgery, and pronounced her ready to go “home.” The CCAW volunteer agreed to take her home to provide care until she was ready for adoption. Bobbie was cared for by three CCAW volunteers over the Christmas holiday weekend. She had to be coaxed to eat and drink, but she was able to get around and use her litter box. She improved slowly but was still in “survival mode” recovering from all of her traumas. She mostly wanted to rest in her bed or snuggle into the little pouch which was used to carry her around.
Bobbie’s luck changed again for the better when the clinic volunteer, Sandy, decided she wanted to adopt the kitten. She had a soft spot in her heart for Bobbie. She brought her home just after Christmas. Bobbie eventually made friends with Misty, the resident sheltie, and her cat buddy, Sam. She has a cat tree she loves to climb on. Bobbie runs, plays, and throws little toy mice around. Sandy kept in touch with the CCAW volunteer who initially took her in and allowed her to follow “Bobbie’s” progress. It took time for her to heal and to begin living her life as a growing young cat, but it was thrilling when Sandy shared a little video clip of her beginning to play.

Thanks to Sandy and her husband, Tim, for giving Bobbie a wonderful home, and to Dr. Jake and crew at Fremont River Vet for all their efforts. And thanks to all of you people out there who help us at CCAW so we can give animals like Bobbie a chance for survival and the ability to live a good, happy life.
For additional information about adopting or helping animals, call CCAW at (435) 491-2050, email, or visit our website, Our mission is to reduce the number of stray cats and dogs in the Wayne County area and to advocate for the welfare of all animals.