[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://ioby.org/project/give-me-shelter” padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”]
Dear CCAW Friends,
Let’s raise our paws in celebration of our first week of funding efforts! Thanks to you, we received $4,395 towards our goal of $34,000. You continue to provide the support that is so important for the welfare of cats and dogs in need. They thank you from the ends of their whiskers to the tips of their tails.
You may have heard about the video “Raise the Woof.” It is billed as the first Christmas single written specifically for our four-legged friends. The video was made using scientific research into how dogs interact with sound. Early footage of dogs listening shows they love it!
Pet food company Tails.com has given us permission to use the video as part of our fundraising campaign. We’d love to hear how your doggie roommates respond.
Click here to check out the video.
Again,thank you for your support. And if you spread the word about CCAW’s efforts, you will help us reach our funding goal.

[flat_button text=”Donate” title=”Donate” url=”https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=U3N7T2DGCPWV8″ padding=”10px 20px” bg_color=”#DB5800″ border_color=”#DB5800″ border_width=”1px” text_color=”#ffffff” text_size=”14px” align=”center” target=”_self”]
Mail a Check to
PO Box 750404
Torrey, UT 84775-0404
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If you shop on Amazon, using their Amazon Smile program helps out the animals of Color Country!
Chewy.com is a great place to purchase supplies for your pet. For every new customer purchase, Chewy will donate $20 to CCAW! Sign up here to get started.